Dungeon Architect for Unreal Engine 2.32 Help

Setup Key-Locks

In this section, we'll add a few key-locks to our dungeon using the flow framework

Open up the flow graph and assign the module database like before

J 73

Create Treasure Room

We'll create a treasure room that is attached to the main path. We do this by creating a new path (of length 1) that emits out of the main path

Add a new Create Path node and link it to the end as shown:

J 137

Select the node and inspect the properties

J 138
  • Set the Min/Max size to 1 since we want a single room to hold the key

  • Set the path name to treasure. We'll use this id later to place a key here

  • Start from Path is set to main so this room is connected to the main path

  • We want the treasure room to be isolated and don't want it to converge back to another path. Leave the End on Path parameter blank

  • Change the Node Color to anything you like

Hit Build and you'll see a new treasure room created

J 139

Treasure Room Key/Lock

We want to lock the treasure room and have the key somewhere in the main path

Add a new Create Key/Lock node and link it to the end like shown below:

J 140

Select the Create Key/Lock node and inspect the properties

J 141
  • Key Path - Since we want the key to be in the main path, set this to main

  • Lock Path - Since we want to lock the treasure path, set this to treasure

  • Key Marker Name - We'll use the Theme Editor to spawn the key blueprint. Set the maker name to anything you like, however you'll need to create a corresponding marker node with the same name in the theme file to spawn the key blueprint. For this tutorial, set this to KeyYellow

  • Lock Marker Name - We'll use the Connection editor to spawn the locked door blueprint. Set the marker name to anything you like, however you'll need to create a corresponding marker node in the connection editor to spawn the locked blueprint. For this tutorial, set this to LockYellow

Hit Build and inspect the layout graph

J 142

A blue lock item was created on the link that connected to the yellow treasure node. The key was placed somewhere in the main path (green). The red arrow shows the key-lock relationship

Update the description of this node

J 143
J 144

Main Path Key-Lock

We'll create another key lock for the main path. The key would be in the alt path (orange) and the lock would be somewhere in the main path.

Add a new Create Key/Lock node and link it to the end as shown below:

J 145

Update the parameters:

J 146



Key Path


Lock Path


Key Marker Name


Lock Marker Name


Hit Build and inspect the layout graph

J 147

Update the description of this node to something appropriate

J 159
J 160

Spawn Keys

Setup Theme File

Open up the theme file we created earlier

J 162
J 163

Add these key marker nodes that we've specified in the Create Key/Lock node

  • KeyRed

  • KeyYellow

J 164
J 165

In the theme editor's content browser, navigate to DungeonArchitect Content > Samples > DA_SnapGridFlow_SideScroller > Snap > Connection > Blueprints

Drop in the following key blueprints and link them up

J 166
  • KeyYellow: BP_SGF_Key_Yellow

  • KeyRed: BP_SGF_Key_Red

With this mapping, we've defined what key blueprint to spawn. Next, we'll create a placeable marker asset to define where to spawn these inside the modules

Create a Placeable Marker

Create a new placeable marker asset in the content browser and name it PM_Keys

J 112
J 167

Double click the asset to open up the editor

Add two marker entries as follows

J 168

Assign a key preview sprite, so our actors on the scene show a key

J 169

Place Key Markers

Open up all your room modules and drop in the PM_Key placeable marker asset, similar to what we've done with the enemy placeable marker in the previous section

Drop in at least 2 of these in a room, in case if both the Red and the Yellow keys spawn in the same room

J 170

Either move this placeable marker actor up by 100 units (so the key doesn't spawn buried half into the ground), or move the key up in the theme editor by selecting the key nodes and moving it up at Z by 100

Add this to the lift module as well

J 171

Rebuild module database

Since we've modified the module's markers, we need to rebuild the module database cache

Open up the module database and click Build Module Cache

J 45

The system now knows where to spawn the keys in the snap module and what blueprints to spawn at those locations

Spawn Locks

Locks are door blueprints with locking support (optionally with different visuals based on your art asset)

We'll map these lock blueprints in the connection editor

Open Connection Editor

Open up the Connection asset we've created in the earlier section

J 172
J 173

Create Lock Markers

Right click on the graph and create two marker nodes

  • LockRed

  • LockYellow

J 174
J 175

Assign Lock Blueprints

In the connection editor's content browser, navigate to DungeonArchitect Content > Samples > DA_SnapGridFlow_FPS > Snap > Connections > DoorArt and drop in the following lock blueprints and link them up

  • KeyRed: BP_SGF_Door_Lock_Red

  • KeyYellow: BP_SGF_Door_Lock_Yellow

J 176

Fix Transform

Select the LockRed marker node (make sure the PREVIEWING blue text is shown). This allows you to preview the objects attached under this marker

J 177
J 178

The red arrow is not pointing correctly (it is not visible as it is inside the door)

Select the blueprint node attached under it and set the rotation to (0, 0, -90)

J 179
J 180

Do the same for LockYellow

J 181
J 182

Build dungeon

Open the scene where we previously set up our dungeon. Rebuild the dungeon

J 183
J 184
J 186
J 185
Last modified: 14 September 2024