Dungeon Architect for Unreal Engine 2.32 Help



Display a 2D minimap with fog of war

E 107

Drop in a Grid Flow Mini Map actor on to the scene and configure it like below

E 108
E 109
E 110

Check the player controller on how to initialize the minimap and show it on the screen DungeonArchitect Content > Samples > DA_GridFlow_Game > Blueprints > BP_GridFlowDemo_PlayerController

Right Click > Open Image In New Tab for a clearer image
E 112

Check the HUD widget on how to display this in the screen

DungeonArchitect Content > Samples > DA_GridFlow_Game > UI > UI_GridFowDemo_HUD

Minimap Tracked Objects

To track an object in the minimap, simple add the DungeonMiniMapTrackedObject component to it and configure it.

E 114
E 113

The id maps to the id you specified in the MiniMap actor's icon list

E 115
Last modified: 14 September 2024