Dungeon Architect for Unity 1.20 Help


Control the growth of your flow network using custom scripts.

Position Constraints

Use position constraints to control where the node grows.

Example 1

We want to restrict the main path to the ground floor and have another path grow only on the top floor like this:

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Start by creating a grid and a main path. Without constraints, it grows anywhere on the grid

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We'll restrict the growth to be only on the ground-floor. Select the Create Main Path node and inspect the properties

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Set the Position Constraint Mode to Script.

We can now pass in a script with our own rules and constraints for growing this path

Create a new C# script with any name and set it up like below:

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using DungeonArchitect; using UnityEngine; public class SGFGroundFloorClampRule : ScriptableObject, ISGFLayoutNodePositionConstraint { public bool CanCreateNodeAt(int currentPathPosition, int totalPathLength, Vector3Int nodeCoord, Vector3Int gridSize) { return true; } }

You can place your logic here and allow or disallow nodes at certain locations

We want the path to grow only on the ground-floor, so we return true only when the node coordinate's y component is 0

public bool CanCreateNodeAt(int currentPathPosition, int totalPathLength, Vector3Int nodeCoord, Vector3Int gridSize) { return nodeCoord.y == 0; }

Assign this script to the Create Main Path node

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Hit Build

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Create another path using the Create Path node

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Add another script so this is restricted to the first floor

public class SGFFirstFloorClampRule : ScriptableObject, ISGFLayoutNodePositionConstraint { public bool CanCreateNodeAt(int currentPathPosition, int totalPathLength, Vector3Int nodeCoord, Vector3Int gridSize) { return nodeCoord.y == 1; } }
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Example 2

Create a Ring like structure like below:

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Start by creating a setup as follows:

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Run it and you see a graph generated like this:

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We'll now apply rules so the green path takes up the outer ring, the orange path the middle ring and the purple node in the center

Outer Ring

Create a script like below and attach it to the Create Main Path node's Position Constraint

using DungeonArchitect; using UnityEngine; public class SGFPosConstRingOuter : ScriptableObject, ISGFLayoutNodePositionConstraint { public bool CanCreateNodeAt(int currentPathPosition, int totalPathLength, Vector3Int nodeCoord, Vector3Int gridSize) { return nodeCoord.x == 0 || nodeCoord.x == gridSize.x - 1 || nodeCoord.z == 0 || nodeCoord.z == gridSize.z - 1; } }
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This will restrict the green path to the boundary

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Middle Ring

Create another script as below and attach it to the first Create Path (orange) node

using DungeonArchitect; using UnityEngine; public class SGFPosConstRingMiddle : ScriptableObject, ISGFLayoutNodePositionConstraint { public bool CanCreateNodeAt(int currentPathPosition, int totalPathLength, Vector3Int nodeCoord, Vector3Int gridSize) { return nodeCoord.x == 1 || nodeCoord.x == gridSize.x - 2 || nodeCoord.z == 1 || nodeCoord.z == gridSize.z - 2; } }
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Snap Module Constraints

Control the room modules that should be used in any of the path nodes. By default, the room modules are defined in the Snap Modules Categories array of the Create Main Path and Create Path nodes.

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You can have more control on this and provide your own array for any of the nodes in the path using a snap module constraint script

Create a new C# script and set it up like below:

using DungeonArchitect; using UnityEngine; public class MySGFModConstraint : ScriptableObject, ISGFLayoutNodeCategoryConstraint { public string[] GetModuleCategoriesAtNode(int currentPathPosition, int pathLength) { // Place a boss room in the last node if (currentPathPosition == pathLength - 1) { return new string[] { "Boss" }; } // Use a shop or health room before the boss room if (currentPathPosition == pathLength - 2) { return new string[] { "Shop", "HealthFountain" }; } // Use a large room for every alternate node if (currentPathPosition % 2 == 0) { return new string[] { "RoomLarge" }; } // use a normal room return new string[] { "Room" }; } }

Here we make the system spawn a Boss room in the last node of the path. Before the boss room, we have either a shop or a health fountain room. We show larger rooms on every alternate nodes and show normal rooms otherwise

Of course, you'll need to register your rooms with these names (Boss, Shop, HealthFountain etc.) in the module database, so it can pick one up from the list

Assign to the Create Main Path node

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Last modified: 24 January 2024