Dungeon Architect for Unity 1.20 Help

Key Lock System

The spawned Key and Lock game objects will have the following components attached to it by Dungeon Architect

New Components attached to the Key Prefab
New Components attached to the Locked Door Prefab

Key Component

The builder will attach a new component GridFlowDoorKeyComponent to the spawned key prefab

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This component contains the KeyId and a reference to all the locks that this key can open



Key Id

The Key Id

Valid Lock Ids

List of Lock Ids that can be opened by this key

Lock Refs

References to the spawned lock game objects that can be opened by this key

Lock Component

The builder will attach a new component GridFlowDoorLockComponent to the spawned lock prefab

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This component contains the LockId and a reference to all the keys that open this lock



Lock Id

The Lock Id

Valid Key Ids

List of Key Ids that open this lock

Valid Key Refs

References to the spawned key game objects that open this lock


Game Sample Scene: Assets/DungeonArchitect_Samples/DemoBuilder_GridFlow/Scenes/GridFlowBuilderDemo_Game

The GridFlow game sample contains a working example of how you can implement a key lock system. There are many ways of implementing this, this sample shows one such way.

The Sample has the following scripts:

  • Inventory: Saves the picked up keys in the inventory

  • LockedDoor: A script that implements the door opening logic. This script is added to the locked door prefab. When something collides with the door trigger, it checks if it has an inventory. If it does, it checks if the inventory contains any of the valid keys that can open this door

LockedDoor script location: Assets/DungeonArchitect_Samples/DemoBuilder_GridFlow/Scripts/DemoGame/Door/LockedDoor.cs

bool CanOpenDoor(Collider other) { var inventory = other.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren<Inventory>(); if (inventory != null) { // Check if any of the valid keys are present in the inventory of the collided object foreach (var validKey in validKeys) { if (inventory.ContainsItem(validKey)) { return true; } } } return false; }
Last modified: 24 January 2024