Dungeon Architect for Unreal Engine 2.32 Help

Module Database

A Module Database is a registry of all the available modules that Dungeon Architect can use to stitch the dungeon

It also contains an acceleration structure with all the necessary information pre-calculated in the editor, so the stitching is fast at runtime

You may have different module databases to generate dungeons with different art styles (e.g. Sci-Fi spaceships, Medieval castles etc)

Create a Module Database

We'll create a new module database asset and register the module that we created in the previous sections

Right click on the Content Browser and choose Dungeon Architect > Snap Grid Flow > Snap Grid - Module Database

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Double click the newly created asset to open up the editor

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Assign Bounds Asset

Assign the Module Bounds Asset we've created in the previous section to the Module Database

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Every module you assign in this database should be set up with this Module Bounds asset

Assign Module Entries

Click the + icon next to Modules to add a new entry.

  • Assign the Module level file we created in the previous section

  • Leave the Category to Room

  • Make sure Allow Rotation is enabled

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Build Module Cache

Whenever you modify a module or the Module database, you'll need to rebuild the module cache. This will perform various pre-calculation steps in the editor to make the dungeon generation faster in your game

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This is an important step, and you need to remember to rebuild the cache whenever necessary.
If you move / add / remove a connection in a module, come back here and rebuild the cache

Click the Build Module Cache button and save the asset

Last modified: 28 May 2024