Dungeon Architect for Unreal Engine 2.32 Help

Create your first Dungeon

Setup Dungeon Actor

Create a new Level and drop in a Dungeon actor

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Reset the dungeon actor transform to (0,0,0)

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Show Plugin Content

We'd like to access an existing asset from Dungeon Architect plugin's content folder and we need to configure the Content Browser to show these assets

On the top right of the Content Browser window, click the Settings button

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Assign Theme

A theme file defines the assets to use to build the dungeon. Assign an existing theme to the dungeon actor

Select the dungeon actor and inspect the Details panel

Add a new Theme array entry by clicking the plus icon.

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Search for candy and select the candy theme

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Build Dungeon

  • Select the Dungeon actor and inspect the Details Panel

  • Click Build Dungeon button to generate the dungeon

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Randomize Dungeon

  • Select the Dungeon actor and inspect the Details Panel

  • Click Randomize Seed

  • Click Build Dungeon to generate a new dungeon with a different layout

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The Randomize Seed button is a helper function which simply changes the Seed value in the dungeon configuration. Changing the Seed value changes the layout of the dungeon. If you assign a random value to a seed and build, you'll get a new dungeon layout

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When you build a dungeon, all the spawned dungeon actors are placed under a folder named after the dungeon actor's label

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Last modified: 14 September 2024